The Critical Role of Managed Care Pharmacists in Optimizing Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Patients with Heart Failure

The Critical Role of Managed Care Pharmacists in Optimizing Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Patients with Heart Failure
Symposium HighlightsDespite evidence-based interventions to prevent or manage heart failure (HF), poor HF-related outcomes persist as evidenced by the number of preventable HF-related hospitalizations and high readmission rates. Moreover, the economic burden that HF places on the health care system is significant and is projected to rise as the population ages and survival improves. To address these issues, pharmacists can improve adherence to guideline recommendations for the use of intravenous (IV) iron therapy for patients with HF and iron deficiency (ID) and develop treatment pathways and implement formulary strategies that make IV iron available to patients.
Faculty: Stormi Gale, PharmD, BCCP, BCPS, FHFSA; B. Andrew Mardis, PharmD, BCCP, BCTXP, BCPS:Muthiah Vaduganathan, MD, MPH
Release Date:
Expiration Date: November 17, 2024
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