Dermatology Clinical Case Challenge: Can You Diagnose this Patient?

Dermatology Clinical Case Challenge: Can You Diagnose this Patient?
Case-based EducationHow are your diagnostic skills for identifying inflammatory skin conditions? In just 10 minutes, learners navigate through three real-world cases and respond to questions relative to possible next steps in diagnostic procedures considerate of each patient’s history and perspective, physical examination findings, lab results, and skin biopsy results. Diagnostic conclusions are revealed after reviewing all cases. Hear faculty insights on the implications of learner decisions along with rationales for appropriate next steps to aid in making a final diagnosis. Insights include evidence-based treatment strategies recommended for the patients according to the diagnoses. Take this opportunity to sharpen your diagnostic skills and improve the management of your patients!
Faculty: Shawn Kwatra, MD
Release Date:
Expiration Date: November 27, 2024
CME/CE is no longer available for this activity